“Becoming New”

“Becoming New”

Date: June 13, 2021

by Marcia Mount Shoop
2 Corinthians 5:6-17

“So to get to the new, we have to die, in fact lots of death has to happen–and we have to see the world completely differently than we’ve seen it, and we have to live for different reasons than we have lived.

That’s how we get to become new–

That difficult road of befriending the stranger in ourselves, finding homeplace in a world where we are only temporary inhabitants, embracing our capacity for truth and accountability, knowing that those practices take us out of ourselves and may well take us out of comfortable relationships with others. That difficult road of dying to the things we cling to and the person we thought we needed to be.”

Watch the full GCPC service on 6/13/21 here
(Sermon starts at 33:40)