by Marcia Mount Shoop
Isaiah 6:1-8; Romans 8:12-17
“The ways we have been colonized in our faith has led us as Christians to betray belief in a liberating God, in the way Jesus taught us about radical love and welcome and speaking truth to power. (belied belief) (belie: fail to fulfill or justify)
What is faith for–what are we here for? Are we here to prop up and collude in systems of oppression and delusion?
Faith is about believing in something beyond what we can see, but that compels us to manifest in real time. It’s about staking our lives on the promise of a better world. It’s about imagination, it’s about a way of life that centers transformation and compassion, justice and community, liberation and love.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 5/26/24 here
(Sermon and scripture begin at 47:54)