by Marcia Mount Shoop
John 4:5-42
“The woman at the well is us–she is you, she is me.
She is the whole lot of us, the collective, the we
The ones thirsty and tired, the ones marked,
the ones barred
from knowing our worth comes from God
Not from the fathers,
not from the banks,
not from the ones who close ranks,
not from the ones with the biggest tanks.
not from the law makers,
not from the money changers,
not from the keepers of countless dangers.
The Living Waters will clear the clogged pipes of our dreams.
The world can be different,
our boundaries can break open the seams
that bind us to old ways that are getting us nowhere fast,
that confuse truth with unrelenting bombast.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 3/12/23 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 41:45)