by Marcia Mount Shoop
Ephesians 2:11-22
“How do we work together to equip this community with the tools and the toys to see the world differently, to see the church differently–to see ourselves in community differently? How do we deploy the playfulness and adaptiveness the heritage of this church has given us in the service of following Jesus into a new world–into a new way of being the people of God in the world?
What if we are the aliens to God’s ways at this point? What if we’re the ones who really don’t know how to do this whole faith thing yet?
Maybe, just maybe, the exodus from our building is what we needed to take to really see ourselves the way God sees us. This year has really been about making space in our brains, in our spirits, in our bodies for that possibility–that church is more than we had imagined. That there is life out there we hadn’t even thought to believe in. That there is a way of being together that is better than the way we are accustomed to being together.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 7/18/21 here
(Sermon begins at 45:45)