by Marcia Mount Shoop
John 1:1-14
“This is a night when we come together still hoping against hope, still hungry for the miracle of God’s love, still homesick for true belonging, still searching for a way to believe the unlikely story that God loves us so very much, that God chose to come into the world vulnerable, pushed to the margins by Empire, depending on the kindness of strangers and the trustworthiness of friends.
This is a night when we sing songs of wonder even when our hearts are heavy, and we light candles in the shadows of long winter nights. This is a night when we let our imaginations glimpse into a cosmos that desires the likes of us to feel utterly and completely loved. The Word that was with God, that was God at the dawning of time–a burst of promise and possibility that is willing to traverse light years to be right here, right now.”
Watch the full Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service here
(Homily begins at 37:20)