by Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks
Psalm 36:5-10
“So much of the past two years for all of us has been full of letting things go and taking new things up in an attempt to live, so answering the question is more challenging than ever before.
In talking with these groups of emerging adults and their leaders it struck me that we are asking the wrong questions. So, I asked them: What is a better question than “What’s Next?” You see, I am convinced that the only way to change our collective narrative is to start literally changing how we communicate with one another. How are we creating space for transformation, for life, for abundance?
They came up with alternate questions like; “What are you most proud of from the past year? What is bringing you joy? How can I support you? What are you curious about? What makes you feel most alive? What inspires you?”
This gathered group encouraged one another to become committed to a new narrative – a new way of investment in one another that is not measured in grades, success or perceived progressions in life.
Grace Covenant – I am learning this way of being from you: The way you are committed to God’ steadfast love, to the mutual liberation of community and the care of self and one another. Choosing commitment in spite of our confinement.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 1/16/22 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 33:25)