by Samantha Gonzalez-Block
John 20:19-31
“Siblings in Christ, we live in a world where too many lives are constricted, trampled on, silenced, cruelly stolen.
We live in a world where there are too many knees on necks and not enough embraces from doulas.
We live in a world where we are traumatized by or numb to injustice:
we hide behind locked doors, paralyzed by fear, hoping to separate ourselves from truth.
But God still finds a way in – again and again and again – as God always does.
And the Holy Spirit, God’s ruach, rushes in,
bringing us peace, and showing us how
to breathe in courage, redemption, transformation, new life….
in order that we might breathe out God’s liberating Spirit for all people,
especially those most vulnerable, those most harmed.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 4/11/21 here
(Sermon starts at 41:30)