by Marcia Mount Shoop, Micah Hayes, Ray Landis, & Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks
Romans 13:8-11
“This fall we are going to be reading some love letters together–the letters that Paul or those trading on Paul’s social capital, wrote to the burgeoning Jesus following movement in the decades after Jesus’ public execution at the hands of Empire.
These letters are often encouraging words, words that clarify what makes a faithful believer in a world where being faithful doesn’t always get you very far by the world’s standards. These letters invite believers to numerous kinds of gut checks and come to Jesus moments.
Our fall theme, “Even so, we …” comes from one of these letters–even with all the turbulence of the world and the temptation to give up, even with all the risk that comes from speaking truth to power, even with all the losses that seem to just keep coming–even so, we stand, we speak, we stretch, we believe.
The even so–well that’s the story of us, too, Grace Covenant. A church defying so many odds. A church finding our way toward mutual liberation when the way can be hard to see in a world so addicted to oppression and division.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 9/10/23 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 41:00)