“Even So, We Press On”

“Even So, We Press On”

Date: October 8, 2023

by Marcia Mount Shoop
Philippians 3:4b-14

“Paul had such a query for the Philippians:  Can we trust each other with the weight, the magnitude of the losses that will become gains?  Can we trust each other enough to take a chance together on this new life that we’re called toward?

Paul is pretty ambiguous about what this all means, in terms of being raised to Christ, in terms of Resurrection, but it seems to be something worth living for and worth dying for and it seems to be a place of freedom from all the things that have weighed him down and told him that he is in charge of his status in God’s eyes. It seems to be the place where there is blessed assurance that he and all of us are held in divinity’s embrace.

Paul is calling us to a life of growth, change, and perseverance–this language of pressing on.  That’s going to mean something different for each one of us. What are you having to press on through–we have to learn the difference between a good stretch and the breaking point.”

Watch the full GCPC service on 10/8/23 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 46:00)