

Date: October 17, 2021

by Marcia Mount Shoop
Hebrews 5:1-10

“The same Jesus who is the fellow sufferer, the gentle high priest, the companion on the way, has been appropriated for horrible things.  Jesus got stolen, kidnapped from the place he was calling us from–from the margins of a world hellbent on self-destruction.

Somehow Jesus got mistaken for a high priest with a stellar pedigree, an excluder, a power hoarder with a superiority complex. Someone who had all the credentials and qualifications to gain entry into the fraternity of patriarchy and white supremacy.

The church stole Jesus from the world.  He’s been incarcerated for way too long–captive to the money changers he did not hesitate to disrupt and upset.”

Watch the full GCPC service on 10/17/21 here
(Sermon begins at 40:08)