by Richard Coble
Matthew 21:1-11
“Is it no wonder then, surrounded by their Roman occupiers, watched over by religious leaders more intent to hold onto power than to care for the community, that the people looked to Jesus, this gentle and humble prophetic figure, proclaiming the coming of God’s peaceful and equitable kingdom, and they shouted Hosanna! Save us! Save us! As Jesus rides through their midst.
At the start of this Holy Week, this Holy Week of 2023, perhaps it is not so difficult for you to imagine joining those in the crowd, crying out, not in triumph or conquest, but with something more like a pleading and desperate cry, ‘Hosanna.’ ‘Hosanna.’ ‘Save us.’
When it seems everywhere we turn, near and far, we see suffering on the one hand and stagnant institutions more consumed with their own survival than the care of the people they serve or represent, on the other. Hosanna, the people cried.
We are three months into this year and there have already been 17 school shootings, and 130 mass shootings in this country.
Hosanna, the people cried.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 4/2/23 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 34:05)