by Marcia Mount Shoop
Isaiah 6:1-13
“The life of faith is a rhythm of living and dying, embracing and letting go–this dance of connecting and awakening, resting and realizing our limitations.
We are stumps and shoots of the terebinth tree. We are ashes and we are fruit.
Isaiah’s brush with the Holy of Holies is where he found his boldness and his humility. It is where he glimpsed a new heaven and a new earth and a reality check about how strenuous the life of faith is.
God strengthens our hearts–because they will break a thousand times when we follow the path of belief that the world is both beautiful and broken, that the world is in the grip of death throes and labor pains all at once.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 2/6/22 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 27:27)