by Marcia Mount Shoop
Micah 6:1-8
“Micah echoes the messages of his fellow prophets–God isn’t interested in your religious rituals, God is interested in how you live your everyday lives, how you build community, how your economy works, how you solve problems with each other, how you treat those who are vulnerable, how you treat the earth and the resources God has given us.
There are three words here that Micah uses that give us the substance of our assignment:
The assignment is not a project or a program or a one time achievement, it is about a way of life–that is not afraid of taking the hard truths of what needs to change about human behavior, that leans into transformation and repair out of love, and that intentionally walks with God in such a way that we don’t get out in front of God, that we are in right relationship with God–that we practice leaning into God’s vision for us.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 1/29/23 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 35:25)