by Marcia Mount Shoop, Richard Coble and Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks
Isaiah 65:17-25; Luke 24:1-12
“There is movement in the grief, confusion, surprise and emptiness of the tomb to unbelief and more processing. It had to be clunky and challenging to wrap your head around- and yet they remained with one another in the feelings and took the time to live into this new space… one full of holy possibility.
Upside down, inside out, off balance… anything but idling. You see, transformation is a dynamic process-we have to keep moving.
Colonization tells us that emotions can be out of control and discomfort will cause chaos. Resurrection reminds us that there is always room for all of us…the grief, the surprise, the anger and confusion- in life and in death.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 4/17/22 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 27:45)