by Marcia Mount Shoop
Hebrews 10:11-25
“Christ shows us the truth about ourselves–the way we brutalize truth tellers, the ways we try to kill the truth with cruelty and violence, the ways we deny and defend, the ways we shame and blame. He shows us all those things in the way powerbrokers and practitioners of piety reacted to him and wanted him dead.
In that way he lays bare the sins of the world–he lifts the veil in his own flesh, as the preacher in Hebrews says. He is an apocalypse, an unveiling of what’s true, a revelation of what we need to admit about ourselves in order for healing to be possible.
And Jesus accomplishes something else that we miss if we see him as the final sacrifice, the scapegoat who pays the price of our sins. His blood is not spilled, his blood is shared, infused into our own blood, soaked into the ground of our being, given freely because of perfect love.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 11/14/21 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 33:05)