by Marcia Mount Shoop
Luke 21:25-36
“We begin Advent in apocalypse because we have lost
Our connection to the imagination this sacred journey requires.
We are not here for the folly of accumulation or recognition,
Or the gluttony of possession or power.
We are here to welcome the turning of time
That never stops inviting us to love.
Tender and corporeal.
Aching and ethereal.
We have forgotten that we dream together
In our sequestered night times
Our imaginations collaborating in the inscrutable
Distance between us
And God is moving, darning
Seaming, mending
The garment that dresses humanity
For this dissonant friendship
With a world, absurd and elegant.”
Watch the full GCPC service on 11/28/21 here
(Scripture and sermon begin at 33:50)