20s/30s/& Beyond Group
This is a group geared toward adults in their 20s/30s/& beyond who seek to connect with other people of faith and engage in fun and meaningful fellowship and service opportunities. Please email Luke with any questions.
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Group
This support group introduces techniques for daily living with such issues, led by Paul Rogers, a retired physician in our congregation and pastoral staff. We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month for an hour and 15 minutes (from 10:45am – 12:00pm) in the Indie Room on the Education Wing at Grace Covenant Presbyterian. New participants welcome at any time. Contact Anna Louise, annalouise@gcpcusa.org, with questions.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 6490 0854 Passcode: 789
Pride Collective
We are individuals of all ages who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer. Also, individuals who are questioning their gender identity and/or sexual orientation are invited to join us. Parents as our allies are also welcome with open arms, as well as our chosen families that celebrate, love and lift us up.
We are community. We share meals, fellowship, friendship, support, conversation, and love.
Cancer Ministry
The Cancer Support Ministry at Grace Covenant invites you to connect with us. Cancer affects all of us in so many ways and we know those who are diagnosed and those who care for them are particularly affected and can use support. This is where the Cancer Support Ministry would like to partner with you along the way. Our sincere hope is to help connect you to one another, to offer resources that have your head, heart and whole-self in mind while gathering as a community of faith.
If you are newly diagnosed, currently being treated for cancer, are in remission or a care-taker for someone with cancer we invite you to connect with us. Please fill out this INFORMATION/INTEREST FORM so that we can know who you are and how we can support you. We have quarterly gatherings, pastoral care and would like to create more individualized support in the next year.
Guys of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church (GO GCPC)
Guys of GCPC (GO GCPC) is a new group that will be meeting a couple of times a month to build community with a casual gathering. We will sit around tables to talk and you have the option to purchase your own food and/or drink. A few guys have been informally meeting under the unofficial name, “The Presbeerterians”, for the last year or so but we would like everyone to feel welcome to the table(s). Anyone who would like to be a part of this men’s group is welcome to attend. We welcome trans and non-binary people to join us as you feel led. Please join us when you can for conversations, good food and drink.
Please contact Luke Harkema at luke@gcpcusa.org, Malachi Gasaway at malachi.gasaway@gmail.com, or John Singleton at johnpsingleton@gmail.com if you would like to receive regular updates about meeting day, place and time.