2024 Stewardship Campaign

"Even So, We Believe in Abundance"

How to Pledge

You can create your pledge in the Realm software online here or in the Realm Connect smartphone app. 

If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact Brett Pinkston in our Finance Office at brett@gcpcusa.org or 828.254.3274.

Remember that when you give to GCPC, you are empowering life-giving and transformational ministries with every penny of your gift. 


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Stewardship Letter

Letter from GCPC Session

October 3, 2023

Dear Grace Covenant Community,

“Even so, we…” is where we are this fall–exploring how we show up at Grace Covenant despite all the things that make community hard to find and hard to trust. Our 2024 pledge campaign adds another few words to our theme: “Even so, we believe in abundance!”

How does your “even so…” lead you to a place of abundance?

Where do you experience abundance at GCPC?

All the research about churches these days tells the story of waning participation, shrinking numbers, and the absence of young people. Even so, Grace Covenant is growing and about 50% of our community is under the age of 50. We come from all kinds of perspectives, identities, and contexts. And we are not afraid of doing hard work together.

In a world suffering from a multitude of daily traumas and unjust systems, and in which it can be easy to become cynical, the community at GCPC thrives with a bold spirit of faith and hope. We are confronting the image of “church” as a stolid, harmful institution of conformity, by instead finding ways to be a place of encouragement, transformation, challenge, and healing for all!

Why? Because we are seeking to do the work of the Church—the Church with a capital C! That’s the work of mutual liberation–the work that the institutional church has avoided and, many times, created the need for in our culture. We are shifting our frameworks for understanding harm and healing when it comes to the life of faith. We are practicing solidarity  as we learn to disrupt and dismantle oppressive systems. We are learning how we’ve been socialized to protect the status quo. We are finding ways to leave behind things like complacency, avoidance, and either/or thinking.

GCPC’s Session is grateful for all the ways this community is showing up! And we invite you to  support ALL of the life-giving ministries of Grace Covenant by prayerfully pledging to share some of your financial resources in 2024.

Our goal is $1 million dollars–we can do this, GCPC!

This is the number we need to reach to continue building deep relationships in our community with our Covenant and Ministry Partners, to keep paying our hard-working staff a living wage, to continue to provide great health benefits for our full time employees, to keep our building open and fully operational for all who use it every day, including almost 200 children in both Youth Transformed for Life and The Children’s Center at Gracelyn.

We need these resources to continue to fund things like the Deacon Fund, the Reparations Fund, and the Pastor’s Discretion Fund–all of which support our larger community in all kinds of situations from emergencies to opportunities for new beginnings.

GCPC’s belief in abundance is rooted in our faith, the faith we have learned from our ancestors and from each other.  It is the promise that God will provide and the call for us to be co-creators in making sure everyone has what we need to thrive.

 “God is able to provide you with every gift in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.”

~2 Corinthians 9:8 

Stewardship is an ongoing, collective spiritual practice that is intended to sustain us as the Body of Christ around a shared table of joy and compassion! And like our community garden, abundance is shared, not hoarded or rationed. $1 million dollars is a goal we can only achieve together! Any amount you can share is a gift. If you are able to increase your pledge, please do! If you have never pledged before, we hope you will make this year a new beginning in your participation in pooling our resources.

There are many ways to pledge:

  • Scan the QR code or go to REALM HERE for an online pledge card.
  • Or go to Realm Connect on your Smartphone App and select Giving and +Pledge
  • Or email your pledge and giving frequency to giving@gcpcusa.org
  • Or call Brett Pinkston at the church office at 828-254-3274
  • Or fill out a pledge card available in the sanctuary or by request (mail it or drop it in the offering plate).
  • Or visit Brett in the Finance Office at GCPC Tuesday-Thursday 10am-4pm

Thank you, Grace Covenant, for believing in abundance!

With Gratitude,

The Session of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Keaton Hill
Tim Moe
Bill Neeriemer
Anne Raustol
Martha Seddon
Laurel Seddon
Susan Curtis
Russell Kominski
Libby Kyles
Denise Lockett
Melissa Shook
Margaret Belk Tierney
Mary Berg
Ben Kees
Bob Lane
Hans Rosario-Singer
Kate Shem
Kelley Griffith, Clerk of Session
Marcia Mount Shoop, Moderator

Stewardship Videos